Welcome to Resource Gallery of ideas for language/cultural immersion.
Language immersion through visual cards.
CREATE ፊደል/alphabet Flash Cards!
Language immersion through creative games and fun activities.
CREATE alphabet fun with popcorn. Pop the alphabet out with popcorn !
Word Games
Create simple games and activities. Here are examples.
- “Give me a word that starts with a specific letter ፊደል". Your child can then graduate to "Give me a sentence using a specific word".
- "What am I?"or "Who am I?" እኔ ማን ነኝ? sort of like እንቆቅልሽ /riddles-
- Name the Opposite game.
- Treasure Hunt- with simple directions.
- "Finish the Story". One person starts a story and everyone goes in turns adding to it. ተረት ተረት but with a twist so everyone can participate.
- Role playing. Start as simple as you like. Example "Greetings" or "Simple Phone Conversations".