Welcome to Exercise Tool Box. Follow the links on each activity to download the learning materials. Click on each audio link to learn words and phrases. Have fun learning!
የጎደለውን ፊደል ሙላ Fill in the missing alphabet |
ሀ ሁ ሂ ሃ ሄ ህ ሆ
የሳምንቱ ቀናት፤ ወራት ፤ወቅት Days of the week / Months / Seasons
ቀን...Day ወር...Month
ትምህርት በስእል Learning in Pictures
ድመት |
ነጠላ እና ብዙ / Singular-Plural
ቤት/ቤቶች house/houses
አርፍተ ነገሩን አስተካክለህ ጻፍ Fix
the sentence
fix- አስተካክል male አስተካክይ female
በጎደለዉ ቦታ ሙላ Fill in the missing spaces
fill in- ሙላ male ሙዪ female |
ባዶ ቦታዎችን በትክክል ሙላ Fill in the missing verbs
I ate. እኔ፡በላሁ።
ጥያቈውን መልስ Answer the question
What is your name? ስምህ/ስምሽ ፡ማን፡ ነው?
ጥያቈውን መልስ Answer the question/ construct a
sentence አርፍተ ነገር ስራ
How old are you?
ስንት፡ አመትህ/አመትሽ፡ ነው? |